Industrial Engineering is a discipline that scientifically designs, operates, and improves systems consisting of people, materials, facilities, and information in all areas of society based on engineering knowledge and management scientific thinking to maximize the productivity and efficiency of the system. Industrial Engineering is the study of the harmonious direction and control of all areas of industrial systems. "Industrial engineering" can be compared to "a conductor" leading an orchestra, "a manager" assigning the correct positions and batting order to the right baseball players, "an editor" cutting and pasting articles written by various reporters, and "a field commander" leading an army to victory in battle.
- Location Room 1105, Engineering Bldg. A
- Tel 02-450-3525
Educational Goals
The Department of Industrial Engineering at KU fosters the managerial science thinking and excellent communication skills required to maximize the productivity and efficiency of integrated systems of people, resources, facilities, and information. Accordingly, our mission is to produce excellent human resources who can provide leadership in their respective fields related to the development of future society. The following are the goals to realize this mission.
- 1Cultivating basic scientific knowledge and problem-solving skills necessary to systematically and logically solve engineering challenges in various systems related to the shortening life cycle of products and processes.
- 2Develop the ability to creatively apply basic scientific knowledge and specialized industrial engineering theories to design, operate, and improve various specific engineering systems in practice.
- 3Recognizing the need for lifelong education according to the development of the knowledge society and providing insight into social and professional ethics practice.
- 4Fostering communication skills and computer literacy to develop information management skills to prepare students to become leaders in the future society.